Monday, 23 February 2015

2 .Rodents


  • Spread serious diseases
  • Carry fleas,
  • Consume or contaminate
  • Gnaw
  • Cause a great deal of anxiety

Commensal Rodents
There are three basic type of rodents :

  1. Norway rat ( rattus norvegious )
  2. Roof rat ( rattus rattus )
  3. House mice (mus muscular )

  • Destroy & contaminate structure as well as harm young birds and chicks.
  • Undesirable in feed and seed stores because destroy the seed, corn.

Bionomic Factor


  • Night vision(can see only in night)

Smelling Organ 

  • Leave its urine all the way it goes


  • Afraid of high level noise.
  • Detect sound up to look 

Sensory organ

  • Long mustache and other fine hairs on their body


  • Good tasting
  • Can differentiate the food.

1. Norway ( Rattus Norvegious ) 

  • Norway rats live in close association with people.
  • Although they can climb, Norway rats tend to inhabit the lower floors of multistory buildings.
  • Found in building foundation.

Food Habits

  • Will eat nearly any type of food.
  • They prefer cereal grains, meats and fish, nuts, and some types of fruit.

General Biological and Reproductive

  • Rats have poor eyesight
  • Their hearing and their excellent senses of smell, taste, and touch
  • Litters of 6 to 12 young are born 21 to 23 days after conception.
  • They become completely independent at about 3 to 4 weeks and reach Reproductive maturity at 3 months of age.

 2.Roof Rat ( Rattus Rattus )


  • They have been found in swimming pools, laundry rooms, attics, garages, and patios.
  • They’ve been seen on power lines in the alleys.
  • Roof rats are strongly arboreal (tree inhabitants) and travel along power lines to trees, oleanders, vines, and roofs.

Food Habitat
  • All types of citrus and other fruits, and nuts.
  • Bird seed (both in feeders and stored in bags)
  • Dog and cat food (left outside after dark are favorites)
General biology
  • Young are born in a nest about 21 to 23 days after conception.
  • The number of litters depends on the area and varies with nearness to the limit of their climatic range.
  • The young may continue to nurse until 4 or 5 weeks old.
Common sign :

  • Visual sightings on power lines, trees, bushes, patios, roofs.
  • Hollowed citrus and other fruit.
  • Rat droppings.
  • Noises in the attic and walls.

House mice ( Mus Musculus )

  • They can live in forests, grasslands and manmade structures easily.
  •  Mice typically make a burrow underground if they live out in the wild.
  •  Their burrow helps protect them from predators.
Food Habitat
  •  they like to eat fruits, seeds and grains.
  • they eat both plants and meat, and the common house mice will eat just about anything it can find.
General Biology
  • The pups are born blind and without fur or ears.
  •  The ears are fully developed by the fourth day,fur begins to appear at about six days and the eyes open around 13 days after birth,the pups are weaned at around 21 days. 


Tuesday, 3 February 2015

1. Cockroaches

Did u know ?
       A cockroach can live for up to one week without his head.
           A cockroach can live almost a month without food.

         A cockroach can live about two weeks without water.

There are 3 main species of cockroaches which is well known as pest :

  • German cockroach
  • American cockroach
  • Oriental cockroach

Cockroaches Life-Cycle

Actually there are three stages of cockroach developmental.Known as :

  •  the egg
  •  the nymph 
  •   and the adult
  1. The lifecycle of cockroach starts in an egg that is put into 40 eggs at a time.
  2. It carries the case around with them until the eggs are ready to hatch.
  3. Lifecycle of cockroach gets more exciting when the eggs hatch.
  4. the young cockroaches are very small and known as nymphs.
  5. body of the nymphs will be quite soft and white.
  6. When molting process is completed the cockroach will get bigger, change in color, and look more like an adult cockroach.  
  7. When the cockroach reaches its adult size it will not molt again. 
  8. Many types of cockroaches will complete their transformation into adulthood with a pair of wings.Young adults may look almost exactly like a nymph, with the wings being the one characteristic that easily sets the two apart.



  • It is the biggest of the common cockroaches that you will find in your home.
  • they are reddish brown in color and they have a yellow band.

** American roach will eat just about anything, including plants or other insects.


  • These cockroaches prefer to live near warm , dark, wet areas.
  • Although they are found in houses,they are also common in restaurants, grocery, and etc.


  • They crawl through dirty areas and bring lots of bacteria and germs.
  • They can contaminate food by shedding their skin.
  • It causes allergic, asthma and other illness.



  • It can found all over the place.
  • Each German cockroach can live about 100-200 days.


** Cockroaches are attracted to sweet and floury foods. They also eat non-organic items such as toothpaste and books.


  • live in warm and damp places.
  • such as: kitchen, bathrooms, and etc.


  • They crawl through dirty areas and bring lots of bacteria and germs.
  • They can contaminate food by shedding their skin.
  • It causes allergic, asthma and other illness.


  • They are large and very dark compared to other cockroaches.
  • They prefer dirty places and cooler temperatures than other cockroaches.


** feed on all types of garbage and other organic material.


Oriental cockroaches also live in sewers and wet, decaying areas

Such as:basements and crawlspaces, firewood and piles of leaves.


  • They crawl through dirty areas and bring lots of bacteria and germs.
  • They can contaminate food by shedding their skin.
  • It causes allergic, asthma and other illness.

How to get rid of Cockroaches

  • Find the infestation.
  • Eliminate Harbourage.
  • Eliminate food and water source.
  • Cockroach treatment.

**(Cockroaches laying egg and hatching)**